This group will be researching food access throughout the City and then narrowing it down to supply, access, distribution and gleaning chain. An outcome of the project will be identifying the food cycle between organizations, access points for residents, gaps or overlaps if any may exist and how surplus is managed when applicable.
The Team:
Ben Dupont’23; International Affairs & G&L
Shiloh Harrill’23; English/I.A.
Zachary Hunter’22; Economics
Thalia Newman’23; Biology/Data Science
Kate Rogers’22; Environmental Science
Faculty Mentors:
Lawrence Malinconico; Geology and Environmental Geosciences; Director, Technology Clinc
Melissa Starace; Assistant to the President for Board and Community Relations
Nancy Walters, Easton Hunger Coalition
Final Report & Presentation: Wednesday December 15 @ 4pm in Room108 Van Wickle Hall, Lafayette College (Zoom link available by request to
Mid-project Presentation: Tuesday May 25, 2021 @ 2:30 via Zoom presentation. (email or to request the Zoom link)
Click to download the final report Food Recovery in Easton_ Final Report
Click to download the mid-project presentation: TC-ProduceFlow Mid Year Presentation