The Lafayette Tech Clinic class is examining the ways in which communications from the College to their various constituencies (students, faculty/staff and alumni) can best be facilitated. As new ways of digital communicating are continually created old ways, like printed materials and even email, fall out of favor. This Clinic is examining students’ and other constituencies’ preferred means of receiving information from the College with the goal of improving the avenues through which material can truly be received without overburdening the user.

Client: Lafayette College departments of Communication and Development/Alumni Affairs

Students: Isabel Doonan’20 (International Affairs/Spanish), Guenevre Geiersbach’21 (Economics), Slim Ghodhbane’21 (Computer Science), Mathew Rytel’20 (Biology), Hazal Soyucengil’19 (Mech Engineering & Women and Gender Studies)

Facilitators: Professors Lisa Gabel (Psychology), David Stifel (Economics), Lawrence Malinconico (Tech Clinic Director)

Mid-project presentation: Wednesday April 25, 2018, room 108 Van Wickle Hall, Lafayette College

Mid-project Report (click to download)

CommunicationsTC-Board Presentation-Oct2018


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